Mango Barfi Recipe

Best Eye Bread Mango Barfi Recipe | Mango Barfi Delicious Summer Dessert

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Hello, welcome to our new recipe today. Today we prepared Eye Bread Mango Barfi Recipe which is one of the most favorite dishes in our Indian cuisine.

In today’s recipe, you can make a Mango Barfi Recipe in your kitchen very quickly and easily. In this recipe, I will tell you step by step how you can quickly make easy Mango Barfi for your kids and family.

About Mango Barfi What is Mango Barfi Recipe?

Mango Barfi is a popular Indian sweet recipe, which is made from mango puree, sugar, and milk. This is a sweet and delicious sweet which people especially like in summer.

How To Make Mango Barfi Recipe

Mango Barfi

Make a delicious dessert with bread and mango, it will take only 20 minutes to make and will require fewer ingredients, let’s start with today’s recipe Mango Barfi,

I am using 2 white bread slices to make bread mango barfi, you can use brown bread instead, break the bread into pieces, and put it in a grinding jar,

Mango Barfi recipe

Grind it, you can use homemade bread crumbs if available, I have ground the bread slices, taken it out, and ground the mango in the same jar, I am using 1 torn Alphonso mango Well, you can use any mango of your choice.

So add 1/3 cup sugar, we will mix these, and this will reduce the cooking time, do not add water,

Mango Barfi Recipes

Mix it like this,

We first ground the bread and then prepared the mango pulp, let’s move on to the next step,

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Let’s add prepared bread powder and 1/3 cup desiccated coconut in a pan, mix it well

Dinner Recipes

And cook both of them on low flame for 2 minutes. If you do not want to use coconut then use 3 bread slices.

Ingredients are required to make Mango Barfi.

I recommend using coconut if available. Roast the coconut and bread pieces properly as soon as their color starts changing.


Take it out from the pan,

Now add 1 tablespoon ghee in the same pan, add 1/2 cup milk,


I am using boiled but cooled milk, add 1/4 cup milk powder with it, before adding milk powder. Its taste increases, it tastes like mawa/khoya.

Mix it well and make sure that the milk powder is completely mixed with the milk, once it is mixed properly,

So put mango pulp in it,

Aam Recipe

Keep the flame low and stirring while adding the mango pulp, making sure to stir. To prevent it from sticking, add the remaining mango pulp into it and keep stirring. Cook on low flame for at least 2 minutes.

When it mixes well, add cardamom powder and 1/2 teaspoon green cardamom powder, and while cooking, add 1 teaspoon ghee it. What this will do is help the mango turn quickly, which means it will start to separate from the edges.

We have to cook it for 4 more minutes and grease a plate where we will set this mixture, you can use butter paper as an alternative to greasing, as you can see the mangoes started separating.

A Recipe

Take it out from the pan so that it gets cooked, and add bread crumbs and coconut mixture to it. Whatever we prepared earlier, mix it properly, make sure the flame is low, and cook it for 2-3 minutes, its texture will start becoming like halwa, add a little ghee to it, and it enhances the taste. And helps in folding it easily. Cook it a little more, making sure the mixture is not too wet, sticky, or dry. It should be compared to halwa, as shown. Make sure its consistency is similar to that shown here.

So once this is done, turn off the gas and put it on a smooth plate. The plate mixture will be very hot, be careful when handling it,

Break fast

Apply some ghee on the palms and flatten them, using a spatula to give them a proper shape.

You can optionally add finely chopped cashews, pistachios, and almonds if you want to make it even more delicious. Add silverware, I am adding finely chopped cashews, pistachios, and almonds.

For how many days can Mango Barfi be kept in the refrigerator?

Press it gently, and keep it aside for 1 hour, this will help it to set, you can put it in the refrigerator to set it quickly (about 30 minutes) later one hour, it should set properly,

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So cut it into pieces as per your convenience, you can keep it in the refrigerator and eat it for 1 week. By keeping it in the refrigerator for a longer time, it will set better, and our Mango Barfi Recipe is ready,

So see how easy it is to make. Make it at home and taste delicious, do try this recipe, I am sure you and your family members will love it. If you found today’s Mango Barfi recipe useful, then share this recipe with others and like it.

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Mango Barfi

बर्फी का आविष्कार किसने किया था?

मेरी बर्फी नरम क्यों है?

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यदि चाशनी सही स्थिरता की नहीं है तो बर्फी बहुत नरम या बहुत सूखी हो सकती है, किसी भी स्थिति में इसे ठीक करना आसान है। बर्फी बहुत नरम है।

क्या हम बर्फी को फ्रिज में रख सकते हैं?

A Recipe

भारतीय रसोई में तैयार किए जाने वाले लगभग हर Recipe को 1 सप्ताह या रेफ्रिजरेटर में एक एयरटाइट कंटेनर में 7-8 दिनों तक स्टोर करें ।

बर्फी को फ्रिज में रखना चाहिए?

Break fast

Mango Barfi हो या कोई भी Barfi हो उसे ताजगी के लिए फ्रीजर में जायदा से ज्यादा 1 सप्ताह तक ही रखे नहीं तो खराब होने की संभावना बढ़ जाती

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